Oak Wilt

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The real value of Oak Wilt Data

I have often been told that data is all that matters when it comes to Oak Wilt (or any tree) solutions. The confusing part is people say it with a straight face... Do they need to be made aware of how wrong that statement is? It's the exact opposite of saying the Data...

What is an Oak Wilt “Specialist”

Many Tree Companies spin their limited experience and knowledge into a positive by calling themselves "Oak Wilt Specialists". What is an Oak Wilt Specialist? A specialist used to be a person with a broad knowledge of the subject (Trees in this case) and decided to...

Oak Wilt Injections Hurt Trees

You may have heard that Oak Wilt can only be controlled with Injections of Alamo. That is not true. Most companies just repeat what they've heard from the Acedemics. They will tell you that Oak Wilt injections are backed by data. They are the most effective method...