Tree Health

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Soil is Where the Process Starts

When clients ask how my approach is different, and why it works, I usually point them to the soil. That's where the bulk of my work is done. You see the soil is the pantry, (which is where we all keep food). If the soil isn't healthy, there is no way the plant is...

Organic Care is Proactive Care

In Tree Care, Organic solutions are an entirely different approach. It's not like you just change the products you are using, and you're Organic. You have to change the whole approach. You have to go from a "reactive" approach,...

Stop the Growth of Your Tree.

For anyone that's watched their kids grow up there's always a period we wish we could've frozen in time. When everything was just right. Imagine how great they would've been in 5th grade if they stayed longer. They would've perfected themselves for that period of...

Irrigation – Not enough for Trees

Mark Twain once said, "whiskeys' for drinking, waters' for fighting" here in the ATX Metro area it may come to that... we have added around 30% more people in the last 10 years and 0% new water reserviors. That's probably not a good thing. Water becomes a more...