The Oblique Arborist

In Tree Care, Organic solutions are an entirely different approach. It’s not like you just change the products you are using, and you’re Organic. You have to change the whole approach. You have to go from a “reactive” approach, to a “proactive” approach. Very different. Unfortunately that is not how we approach things that do not have a direct affect on us.

When we are proactive in our own health, we can feel the benefits. With Trees, we cannot. If Tree Care is proactive and done effectively, the benefit is harder to see, because there wasn’t ever a visible problem. It’s hard to point out what problems were avoided because they were, well… avoided. So if done right, not much happens. Our minds are trained to think there was no “Problem” so why do we need a “Solution”?

It all comes down to how much we value our Trees. If I am going to be proactive, a client has to first call me before they are having a problem. With that opportunity I can build health and vigor in Trees before something comes along, lowering the likelihood of infections in the first place. It doesn’t usually go that way. I usually get the call after the problem has done some real damage. A good example is construction. How much difference would it make if we put a fence up around the Trees we want to protect? Honestly? It would make all the difference. Too often the homeowner wishes they had been a little more proactive.

That’s when we realize the real value of our Trees, when we are losing them…

Written by John Walters

John is an ISA Certified Arborist and one of the most broadly experienced Arborists in the Region. With 35 years in the industry and in 4 different Regions of the US. The Northeast, The South (humid swamp climate), The South (Hill Country/Desert), and the Rocky Mountains (Both Desert Valleys, and High Elevation Mountains) there is not another Arborist here in Central Texas who has seen as many different problems, or solutions.

November 17, 2022

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